
Start Title
13:00:00 Competition
Prize of Horsetrucks Terhorst
Jumping competition in two phases, S* - Juniors and Young Riders
16:30:00 Competition
Warm-up competition for the selection for the HGW-Bundesnachwuchschampionat - supported by the Horst-Gebers-Stiftung
Style jumping competition with standard requirements, M*
18:45:00 Competition
Selection for the HGW-Bundesnachwuchschampionat - supported by the Horst-Gebers-Stiftung
Style jumping competition with standard requirements, M**


Start Title
09:00:00 Competition
HAVENS Horsefeed-Prize
Jumping competition, S* - Juniors and Young Riders
12:00:00 Competition
Pony jumping competition, M* - 1st rating Ponies
14:00:00 Competition
Prize of BFT Cognos
Jumping competition, M* - 1st rating Children
16:30:00 Competition
Prize of NOS-JUSTEN Maler- und Lackiererbetrieb
Jumping competition, S* - 1st GP qualifier for Juniors and Young Riders
18:45:00 Round 1
Team jumping competition over two rounds, S* - 1st GP qualifier for Juniors and Young Riders
20:50:00 Round 2
Team jumping competition over two rounds, S* - 1st GP qualifier for Juniors and Young Riders


Start Title
08:00:00 Competition
Prize of EAM EvoTherm
Jumping Competition, S* - Juniors and Young Riders
10:15:00 Competition
Prize of Hubert Flachskampf Sanitär und Heizung
Jumping competition, M* - 2nd rating Children
12:40:00 Competition
Pony jumping competition, M* - 2nd rating Ponies
14:40:00 Round
Prize of Wohn- und Raumkonzepte Mohr
Style jumping competition with winning round, L
15:45:00 Winning Round
Prize of Wohn- und Raumkonzepte Mohr
Style jumping competition with winning round, L
16:30:00 Competition
Lead rein class presented by WIENAND ausstatter
16:55:00 Dogs race
17:30:00 Farewell
Young Riders
18:45:00 Competition
Prize of Gevetec
Jumping competition, S* - 2nd GP qualifier Juniors
21:30:00 Competition
Prize of Grundstück- & Gebäude-Service GmbH
Jumping competition, S** - 2nd GP qualifier Young Rider


Start Title
08:30:00 Round
Prize of Kelleter – Ihr Generalunternehmer für den Innenausbau
Jumping competition with jump-off, M* - 3rd rating Children
10:00:00 Jump-off
Prize of Kelleter – Ihr Generalunternehmer für den Innenausbau
Jumping competition with jump-off, M* - 3rd rating Children
11:15:00 Round
Pony jumping competition with jump-off, M* - 3rd rating Ponies
12:20:00 Jump-off
Pony jumping competition with jump-off, M* - 3rd rating Ponies
13:40:00 Round
Jumping competition with jump-off, S** - Grand Prix Juniors
14:55:00 Jump-off
Jumping competition with jump-off, S** - Grand Prix Juniors
16:15:00 Competition
Grand Prix of the Aachener Bank
Jumping competition with jump-off, S*** - Grand Prix Young Riders
17:30:00 Jump-off
Grand Prix of the Aachener Bank
Jumping competition with jump-off, S*** - Grand Prix Young Riders